What are the medical uses of medical centrifuges?
Medical centrifuges are widely used in medical research or hospital testing. Now more centrifuges are used in hospitals, such as high-speed centrifuges, blood centrifuges, blood card centrifuges, urine sediment centrifuges, capillary centrifuges, and cytocentrifugation. Machines, biopharmaceutical centrifuges, gel bubble processing centrifuges, etc., have a wide variety of functions, and their functions are not the same.
Medical centrifuge operating specifications
With the continuous development of China's pharmaceutical industry in recent years, the application of medical centrifuges has become more and more extensive. We can see it in the laboratory and laboratory of the hospital. The main function is to scatter the particles in the solution. Separation and separation of liquids that are incompatible with each other at two different densities.
Some common problems and solutions for medical centrifuges
Centrifugal separation technology has also undergone several generations of replacement, from medical centrifuges, low-speed refrigerated centrifuges, high-speed centrifuges to high-speed refrigerated centrifuges, ultra-large capacity refrigerated centrifuges, ultracentrifuges, ultra-speed refrigerated centrifuges, and intelligent high-speed refrigerated centrifuges. We have summarized the common problems in the use of centrifuges and hope to help you in the future.